Backup and Restore Services

This section covers the backup and restore services provided by nConnect Developer Team.

The Backup and Restore Services ensure the safety and integrity of your website data. These services include regular backups and efficient restoration processes to mitigate data loss risks.

Backup Services

Service Provider Responsibilities

The Service Provider, nConnect Developer Team, agrees to perform regular backups of the Client's website data, including but not limited to, databases, website files, configuration files, and any other relevant data as agreed upon. These backups are intended to safeguard the Client's data against loss, corruption, or breaches.

Backup Frequency and Scope

Backups shall be conducted on a weekly basis. The scope of the backups will include all necessary data to ensure full restoration of the website's functionality and content.

Storage and Encryption

Backup data will be stored in a secure, off-site location separate from where the website's primary data is hosted. All backup data will be encrypted to ensure confidentiality and protection against unauthorized access.

Restore Services


In the event of data loss, corruption, or a request from the Client, the Service Provider will undertake efforts to restore the website from the most recent backup available.

Restore Process

The Service Provider will initiate the restore process within 24 hours of the request. The Client will be informed of the restoration timeline and any potential impact on website operations.

Testing and Confirmation

Post-restoration, the Service Provider will conduct thorough testing to ensure the website is fully operational. The Client will be asked to review and confirm the successful restoration of the website.

Limitations and Liabilities


The Service Provider does not guarantee the integrity of the data if the loss or corruption is due to factors beyond the control of the Service Provider, including but not limited to malicious attacks, hardware failures, or actions by unauthorized third parties.


The Service Provider's liability in the event of data loss not recoverable by the backups provided under this agreement shall be limited to the extent of the service fees paid by the Client for the backup and restore services over the previous 3 months.

Client Responsibilities


The Client is responsible for promptly notifying the Service Provider of any issues that may require the use of backup and restoration services.

Data Review

Upon restoration, the Client agrees to review and confirm the integrity and functionality of the website and its data.

This Backup and Restore Services clause is intended to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the procedures in place to mitigate the risks of data loss.